



这个故事稍微有点老 ,发生在四年前(貌似也不是太老...),这几天又被人放到网上讨论了,并且吸引了2000+的回复(可见真情永远不会过期...)。首先,故事是这样的:

2012年在美国麻省一个叫Christine的女子在遛狗时,不知因何原因突然晕倒在了火车轨道上(we don’t know what happened, but she passed out),而这时一辆载货火车正从远方呼呼地开了过来,眼看就要从女子身上碾过去了,火车司机是整个经过唯一的目击人,他后来对警察是这样描述的:“当我靠近时我看见一只狗狗正在疯狂地拽拉一个女人,即使我不能及时停下来,狗狗也没有要放弃和离开轨道的意思,他持续拽拉着他的主人,尝试着救她” (I saw a dog frantically pulling at a woman as he drew closer. Even though I couldn’t stop the train in time, the dog would not give up and move off the tracks. He continued pulling on his owner in an attempt tosave her)。

pass out 晕过去

frantically [ˈfræntɪklɪ] 疯狂地

in time 及时,文中例句: He didn't stop the train in time

move off the tracks move off 意为从...移开(off一般有离开的含义),track [træk] 指的是轨道

in an attemp to 尝试(做)...,attemp为尝试的意思,可作动词,也可作名词,如 He attempted to lie(他尝试说谎) 

“有次我在遛狗时 (walking the dog)不小心踩到了一颗钉子上。那个时候我正有着7个月的身孕 (I was seven months pregnant at the time),我的狗狗突然跑了,几分钟后,她嘴里叼着一只飞盘跑了回来,并且后面带着一群飞盘高尔夫的玩家 (She came back a few minutes later with a frisbee and leading a group of disc golfers)。很明显,她当时叼走了这些人的飞盘,然后跑开,并且时跑时停的和他们保持足够近的距离,好让他们追得上她,直到他们发现我为止(She had apparently grabbed the frisbee, ran, and stopped just close enough that they followed her, and repeat until they found me)。

这只狗狗平时都很傻,经常误撞到扫把上把自己搞湿,也总会跑着跑着就傻不拉几撞到墙上。我觉得她大概把所有的聪明才智都全攒起来在那一天用来救我了吧 (I like to think she saved up all her smarts for that one day)。”

walk the dog 遛狗

pregnant [ˈprɛɡnənt] 怀孕

frisbee ['frɪzbɪ] 飞盘(一种户外游戏)

grab [ɡræb] 夺取,抓走,抓住;例如:Jim grabbed a cake from the plate (吉姆从盘子里抓了一块蛋糕)

save up (全部)攒起来,up用在一个词组中时往往有强调 全部的或完全的 的含义,例如 spend the money up(尽量的花钱)

“我14或15岁时有次正在公园里遛狗,这时有个很诡异可怕的人在靠近我 (When I was 14 or 15 I was walking my dog in the park when I was approached by a creepy guy)。我的狗狗一开始很友好,但后来它明显察觉到了一丝对我的威胁,并进入到了全面保护的模式,最终吓走了那个家伙 (he obviously detected a threat to me and went into full protection modeand scared the guy away)。

当我后来回到家把这件事情告诉我妈后,她出去给狗狗买了一大块优质牛排作为他的晚餐...并且那之后经常偷偷给他特别的好处 (She went out to buy the dog a large premium steak for his dinner... And regularly sneaked him special treats after that)。


approach [əˈproʊtʃ] 靠近

creepy ['kri:pɪ] 奇怪的,令人毛骨悚然的

detect [dɪˈtɛkt] 察觉,发现,原文中例句:detect a threat(察觉到威胁)

go into... 进入...状态

scare...away 把...吓跑

sneak [sni:k] 做动词意为 偷偷摸摸的做...,例如:he sneaked out of the back door(他从后门偷偷溜走了)

treat [tri:t] 这个词我们最常见的意思为招待、对待,但在这里意为好处、乐趣。如万圣节时小孩子向大人索要糖果时就说 trick or treat(不给糖就捣蛋)



“And that’s what our loyal companions can so often do. They put themselves on the linewithout fear or regret. They are there at the end of the day, tail wagging their hearts full of love for us humans. We think we are caring for them, but really they are the ones looking after us.”

loyal [ˈlɔɪəl] 忠诚的

companion [kəmˈpænjən] 同伴、伙伴

on the line 这是个词组,意为 冒很大的风险

wag the tail wag [wæɡ]意为 摇摆,tail [teɪl] 是 尾巴

care for 有些人可能会分不太清 care for 和 care about,其区别主要在于care for 有 思想或行动上照顾 的意思,care about 更多是指 在乎,如本文中 care about就不适合
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